
小博 2024-06-28 21




“塔山”名字里有“山”。事实上,地势平坦,易攻难守。距锦州仅20公里。连接华北的唯一途径。我军要想打败锦州之敌,确保锦州之战的胜利,就必须守住塔山。因此,敌我双方都想不惜一切代价控制塔山。 1948年10月7日,锦州会战打响。东野第4纵队和第11纵队奉命保卫塔山,第4纵队担任正面防御,由程子华指挥。 10月10日,敌方出动美军5个炮兵师,投入重炮40余门,飞机数十架,在强大的火炮火力支援下发动了第一次进攻。短短几十分钟,五千多发炮弹轰向四个垂直位置,工事被大量摧毁。敌军随后以密集的队形向塔山和白台山阵地发起数十次冲锋,前线阵地和交通战壕多次易主。

11日,敌方继续以重炮炮击和海上冲锋交替攻击。敌人再次被击退。 13日是战斗最激烈的一天。 7个师的强大力量对我军发起了物理攻势。被称为“赵子龙师”的敌第95师连续发动9波攻势,攻占塔山。面对危险,4位纵兵高喊“与阵地共存,必死无疑”等口号,奋力拼搏,视死如归。激战让塔山也血流成河,我军阵地一动不动。









解放战争时期,中国人民解放军东北野战军第4、11纵队为了保卫锦州辽沉战役的主力军。 ,在辽宁省锦州西南部塔山地区,对增援锦州的国民党军队进行防御性行动。

Tashan是Tashan Fort的缩写,意思是有塔有山的士兵要塞,但塔山既没有塔也没有山。塔山只是晋西东部一个约有100户的小村庄,距晋州30公里,距晋西4公里。唯一重要的是,通往锦州的路直接经过塔山。塔山以东是大屿山岛,以西白台山是塔山地区的制高点。为确保夺取锦州,东北野战军在此设立防御阵地,并以此迎接救出锦州的国民党东军。最终,东北野战军阻止了国民党军队东进援金,并取得胜利。塔山之战直接决定了锦州之战,甚至影响了辽沉之战的胜负。




首先我们来看看塔山的地理位置。塔山位于葫芦岛与锦州之间,东临锦州湾,西接白台山。 ,是一个很不起眼的小村庄,但它的战略位置却很重要。关宁铁路穿过村东侧,是葫芦岛与锦州之间的主要交通道路。


1948年,东北野战军奉命发动辽沉战役,打算一举歼灭东北的国民党军,一举解放东北,但此时的东北野战军面临重重困难——< /p>











332路过川市南门转533到石羊场;到市中心“春熙路”转红沙村56号;校内332路和校外332路均可到达红沙村汽车站; 332平均每15分钟一班,校内有332特快校车,仅在校内(东园大屏下,西园起点食堂对面),约20分钟到达狮子摇滚校园。 856路:乘龙校区到五桂桥(乘坐本车到火车北站)。 856半小时车程,途经四川师范大学东校区。 313路:途经成龙校区,但班次很少。 1、双流机场到成龙校区的建议路线乘坐出租车约需20元。 2、成都火车北站到成龙校区 ①打车约60元; ②乘坐55路公交车到盐市口站,换乘38路或56路公交车到狮子山校区南门,再换乘332路公交车到成龙校区。 ③乘坐55路公交车到盐市口站,换乘38路或56路公交车到东大口站,再换乘313路公交车到乘龙校区。 3、成都长途汽车站到成龙校区的建议路线 先坐公交车到狮子山校区南门,然后换乘332路。到狮子山南门的路线: ①新南门汽车站:乘坐公交车狮子山校区南门343号; ②五桂桥汽车站:乘坐304路公交车到海角城站,换乘38路公交车到山校区狮子山南门; ③高孙塘汽车站:乘坐65路公交车到海角城站,换乘38路公交车到狮子山校区南门; ④北门汽车站:乘坐34路公交车到牛王寺站,换乘38路公交车到狮子山校区南门; ⑤茶店子汽车站:乘坐4路公交车到西门站,换乘56路公交车到狮子山校区南门; ⑥金沙站:乘坐77路公交车到三官塘站,换乘56路公交车到狮岭山校区南门; ⑦狮岭客运站:乘坐301路公交车到东门桥站,换乘56路公交车到狮子山校区南门; ⑧ 五雀石客运站:乘坐99路公交车到顺城街站,换乘56路公交车到狮子山校区南门; ⑨昭觉寺站:乘坐60路公交车到牛王庙站,换乘38路公交车到狮子山校区南门; ⑩城北客运中心:乘坐65路公交车到龙州路站,换乘56路公交车到狮子山校区南门。


塔山之战直接决定了锦州之战,甚至影响了辽沉之战的胜负。辽沉之战后,国民党内部有“党国败于塔山”之说。后来有人把辽沉战役中的塔山阻击战、淮海战役中的黑山阻击战和徐东阻击战称为解放战争“三大战役”中的“三大阻击战”。 .


从装备和战斗力来看,国民党军9个师中,新设的临时62师和临时57师。部队装备简陋,人员稀少,尤其是重型武器,战斗力薄弱。 5 只有第4军第8师和第198师是直系部队的主力,美式装备,战斗力强。解放军第4纵队的前身是原胶东军,属于东冶一级的主力。因为大量缴获的装备得到了很大的提升,所以它的战斗力还是相当强的。没什么大的区别。






黄乡文化园位于云梦县义塘镇,毗邻邯郸铁路和316国道,占地​​​​178亩,建筑面积11886平方米。 2012年5月开工建设,2024年10月竣工,免费向公众开放。







heart 寺庙是文化旅游胜地。


2011年,深圳弘法寺觉明法师注定要前往云梦重建佛寺。新前寺位于鹿鸣路与北苑路的交汇处。占地面积56.67亩。 2024年4月25日正式开工,新前寺的规划顺应了当前寺庙园林的发展趋势。山门(天王殿)、大雄宝殿、法堂(藏金楼)沿中轴线依次设置,副殿和服务室布置在中轴线两侧,格局匀称。建设社区。目前已建成山门(天王堂)、大雄宝殿、东客堂、西客堂、钟楼、斋堂、观音堂、药师堂等。





泗州寺始建于南朝梁朝。唐代重修,元太定四年重修。寺内的大雄宝殿和钟鼓楼造型古朴,屋檐独特,别具匠心。是湖北省唯一一座元代风格的古建筑。现在被列为全国450座大型寺庙之一。 .

近年来,这里已成为著名的佛教旅游胜地。 “吞云入梦,浪摇岳阳楼”。泗州寺就像一颗璀璨的明珠镶嵌在水乡泽国。在寺庙里,可以感受到晨钟晚鼓的梵文和佛教音乐。














五台山是国家AAAAA级旅游景区、国家重点风景名胜区、国家地质公园、国家自然和文化双重遗产。居中国四大佛教名山之首。五台山位于山西省东北部,山西省忻州市五台县境内。距省会太原市230公里。五台山与尼泊尔的蓝毗尼园、印度的鹿野园、菩提伽耶、玖辛永并称为世界佛教五圣地。在中国历史上著名的“康干盛世”中,有一个三皇都可以参观的圣地——五台山。五台山有当今世界仅存的佛教音乐,还有各种佛教建筑。大量的寺庙和寺庙构成了世界上现存最大的佛教古建筑。享有“佛教之国”的美誉,是国际上最早、规模最大的性佛教道场。 Wutai Mountain is the birthplace of Xiantong Temple, the earliest temple in China, while Nanchan Temple and Foguang Temple, as the earliest wooden structures in China, provide valuable witnesses to the civilization of the Tang Dynasty. As the first land surface in the world, Mount Wutai has a rare stratigraphic landform in the world. Its history can be traced back to 2.6 billion years ago, and it is a detector of global climate change. The World Heritage Committee evaluated Mount Wutai: the first of the four famous Buddhist mountains in China. It integrates natural landforms and Buddhist culture, and condenses the belief in Buddha into the worship of natural mountains, becoming a unique and vibrant combined cultural landscape. The sunrise at the top of Dongtai is a natural landscape that cannot be missed on Mount Wutai. The rising sun and the rays of light make the quiet Wanghai Temple completely immersed in a fairyland of clouds, mountains and fog, hence the name of Wanghai Temple. Scenic Spot Address – The best travel time in Taihuai Town, Wutai County, Xinzhou City, Shanxi Province is April-October. Opening hours 08:00 – 18:00 Tickets for scenic spots 1. Full-price tickets are 135 yuan/person in peak season, and half-price is 70 yuan/person; off-season full-price tickets are 118 yuan/person, and half-price is 60 yuan/person.

2. In accordance with the law, special groups shall implement preferential ticket price policies. ) Minors, full-time undergraduates and students with a bachelor’s degree or below, etc., will receive half-price discounts with legal and valid certificates; for children under 6 years old (including 6 years old) or under 1.2 meters (including 1.2 meters) in height, disabled persons, active military personnel, Revolutionary disabled soldiers, senior citizens over 60 years old (including 60 years old) are exempted from tickets. For tourist sites related to places of religious activity, to religious clerical staff and their staff members belonging to the places of religious activities within the tourist sites, as well as clerical staff of the same religion as the places of religious activities within the tourist sites, or Believers who have held an initiation ceremony and hold legal and valid certificates such as a precept card are exempted from tickets.

3. Every year, on China Tourism Day (May 19) and World Tourism Day (September 27), half-price discounts are implemented for tourists . Traffic information Wutai Mountain is more than 370 kilometers away from Beijing in the north, 180 kilometers away from Shijiazhuang in the east, and 200 kilometers away from Taiyuan in the south. Wutaishan Railway Station is only 48 kilometers away from Taihuai, the central tourist area. Beijing, Tianjin, Shijiazhuang, Dingzhou, Taiyuan, Datong, Shuozhou, Xinzhou and other places have long-distance buses leading to Mount Wutai. Self-driving guide: Coming from Beijing, Hebei and Tianjin, take Jingshi Expressway, go through Fuping County, Hebei, Shizui Town, Wutai County, Shanxi to Wutai Mountain from South Gate; take Dayun Expressway from Datong and Inner Mongolia, go through Fanzhi Shahe The town comes to Wutai Mountain from the north gate, and from Taiyuan and Xinzhou to Wutai Mountain from the south gate or west gate via Xinzhou and Wutai County. “Famous Mountains” contains: “Wutai Mountain has five peaks, high above the clouds, and there are no trees on the top of the mountain, like a platform built on earth, so it is called Wutai.” Wutai Mountain is the only Buddhist temple in China where the green temple and the yellow temple coexist. As of 2024, there are 47 temples in Mount Wutai, 39 inside Tai and 8 outside Tai, among which many temples were built and emperors of many dynasties came to pay homage. Mount Wutai ranks first among the four famous Buddhist mountains in China, known as “Golden Wutai”, and is the dojo of Manjushri. Wutai Mountain is not a mountain. It is a series of mountain peaks located on the “Roof of North China”. The total area of ​​the scenic spot is 2,837 square kilometers, and the highest altitude is 3,061 meters. Five peaks (Wanghai Peak in Dongtai, Jinxiu Peak in Nantai, Cuiyan Peak in Zhongtai, Hangyue Peak in Xitai, Yedou Peak in Beitai) surround the whole area. The emperors of many dynasties came to pay homage. The Buddhist organization of Mount Wutai takes the monastery as the unit. According to the different inheritance of Buddhism, the monastery is divided into the green temple and the yellow temple. Qing Temple is also known as the Monk Temple. Most of the monks are of the Han nationality. Most of the temples in Mount Wutai belong to the Green Temple. In the Qing Temple, there are Shifang Temple and Descendants Temple. Descendent temples implement a family inheritance system according to the relationship between master and apprentice, and monks from other temples are not allowed to serve in the temple. Historically, most of the temples of Mount Wutai belonged to the temples of descendants. The Shifang Temple can receive monks from all over the world, and the monks in the temple can also travel around the world, and the organization and management implement a merit-based system. According to the “Administrative Measures for Chinese Buddhist Temples” promulgated by the Buddhist Association of China, the original descendant temples have not implemented the family inheritance system and have changed to the meritocracy system, and there is no obvious difference between the descendant temples and the Shifang Temple. The Yellow Temple, also known as the Lama Temple, belongs to Tibetan Buddhism. Tibetan Buddhism in Wutai Mountain belongs to the Gelug School founded by Master Tsongkhapa. All religious lamas wear yellow clothes and hats, and are called monks in yellow clothes. During the Yongle period of the Ming Dynasty, there was a Qing Temple in Wutai Mountain, which was changed to a Yellow Temple. During the reign of Emperor Kangxi of the Qing Dynasty, 10 temples including Luohu Temple, Shouning Temple, Sanquan Temple, Jade Flower Pond, Qifo Temple, King Kong Cave, Shancai Cave, Pu’an Temple, Tailu Temple and Yongquan Temple were changed to Yellow Temples. As a result, the monks in green clothes were changed to monks in yellow clothes, and the Han Lama came into being. There are 8 yellow temples in Mount Wutai, namely, Bodhisattva Peak, Luohu Temple, Guangren Temple, Wanfo Pavilion, Zhenhai Temple, Guanghua Temple, Guanyin Cave and Shangshancai Cave. Wutai Mountain currently has 95 temples with relatively complete buildings, including 6 national key cultural relics protection units: Nanchan Temple, Foguang Temple, Xiantong Temple, Guangji Temple, Yanshan Temple (Fanzhi County), Hongfu Temple (Dingxiang County) ; 15 provincial key cultural relics protection units: Tayuan Temple, Bodhisattva Ding, Yuanzhao Temple, Luohu Temple, Shuxiang Temple, Bishan Temple, Nanshan Temple, Longquan Temple, Golden Pavilion Temple, Zunsheng Temple, Yanqing Temple, Princess Temple ( Fanzhi County), Sansheng Temple (Fanzhi County), Huiji Temple (Original Ping City), Shifotang (Fuping County, Hebei Province); the rest are county-level key cultural relics protection units. From the perspective of places of religious activities, 11 temples have been announced as national key temples: Xiantong Temple, Tayuan Temple, Bodhisattva Ding, Rahu Temple, Shuxiang Temple, Bishan Temple, Golden Pavilion Temple, Guangzong Temple, Guangren Temple , Dailuoding, Guanyin Cave. Visiting Mount Wutai, the most unmissable local food, will make your mouth water in minutes! The eight bowls of Mount Wutai are made from Taiwan mushrooms and Taiwan ginseng that are abundant on the tops of more than 3,000 meters above sea level. Pheasant, hare; bracken, bitter cabbage, daylily from deep mountains and old forests without pollution; noodle, corn, yellow rice, potatoes, etc. cultivated by local farmers as raw materials, carefully cooked by local famous chefs, delicious and attractive. From the essence of the local red and white feasts, it abandons the “fat” and “tender” of traditional diets; it advocates a new concept of “safe, green and healthy” diet for modern people. The eight bowls extend the form of local traditional birthday and wedding feasts, which can be divided into farm-style meat and vegetarian banquets and Buddhist vegetarian-style vegetarian banquets. Specifically, it can be divided into “five helmets and four plates” and “eight-eighth-six-six” feasts. All dishes are served in large handmade thick porcelain bowls (plates). Eight bowls can be combined into a banquet or split into banquets. In addition, the auspicious homonym of “Fa Fa Lu Lu” is suitable for gatherings of relatives and friends, business reception for customers, and large households. People’s birthday banquets, children’s full moon, adult wedding banquets, etc. With the improvement of living standards, “eight dishes and eight bowls” have also evolved. Due to the lack of dishes, the dishes have evolved into plates, from “eight” to “twelve” and “sixteen”. , “Eighteen” and so on, the content of the dishes on the plate is also very rich. However, due to the cumbersome workmanship and high technical requirements of “eight bowls”, there is no major change, but the name has changed from “eight bowls” to “eight bowls”. It has become a distinctive folk traditional dish. The noodle soup is a kind of pasta snack in the alpine region of Shanxi. The practice in Xinzhou is the most typical: double the boiled or cold water to make the noodles, push one on the smooth surface with the palm of your hand, and roll one with the index finger to make Cylindrical. When done, stand one by one in the cage. When steamed, it is fragrant, and when eaten, it is mixed with mutton or mushroom soup, which makes people coveted and appetizing. Mount Wutai is a Buddhist holy place and the dojo of Manjushri. Beautiful scenery, summer resort. The main purpose of coming here is to purify the mind, relax the body and mind, experience the beautiful scenery, and experience the breadth and depth of Buddhism.寺庙依山傍水,依势而建,每一座都独具特色。个人感觉,比较适合参禅佛理,休闲度假的亲子游。相对来讲,这里的花费比较合理,只要是正规商铺和景点,都没有出现宰客的行为。相对比较安全。自驾车可进景区,交通很方便。五台山文殊菩萨的道场,千多年的香火在这里缭绕蔓延,千多年的佛经在这里被人吟诵,两千多年的智慧在这里集聚壮大,造就了五台山的佛光世界。这一辈子一定要去一趟五台山,因为那里有文殊菩萨,那是传说离智慧最近的地方,在那里你会遇见最好的自己。

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