
小博 2024-06-28 1


1. The place where Zitong looks at the lotus

Postcode related towns/townships 637300 Youfanggou Village, Hedong Town, Zhaohong Village, Beiyuan Town, Dengjiayan Road, Nanlong Town, Jinniu Street Postcode 637301 Xujiaqiao Village, Dingshui Town, Zhengjiagou, Dingshui Town Village, 637306 Willow Township Sun Village, Willow Township Silk Palace Village, Willow Township Liangjiaqiao Village, Willow Township Zhenwu Village Postcode 637310 Nanlong Town Yongquan Village, Nanlong Town, Banbian Street, Nanlong Town Wangnan Village Postcode 637311 Daqiao Town Yi East Village, Jinxing Township, Zhuangzi Village, Daqiao Town, 637312 Shuanglongzui Village, Yongqing Township, Yongqing Township, Sanqing Village, Zaoer Township, Changqing Village, Yongqing Township Postcode 637313 Qintaisi Village, Huofeng Township, Dashi, Huofeng Township Qiao Village, Manfuba Village, Huofeng Township, Erlangmiao Village, Huofeng Township, Zip Code 637314 Hedong Town, 637315 Yongding Town, 637316 Zitong Village, Laoya Town, Laoya Town, Huayuan Village, Laoya Town, Wangshui Village, Laoya Town, 637317 Xiehe Town Wushenggong Village, Xiehe Town, Shehongjiao Village, Xiehe Town, Chengdong Village, Xiehe Town Postcode 637318 Jingqiankou Village, Panlong Town, Yulongshan Village, Panlong Town, Baiyangou Village, Panlong Town, Panlong Town Wuliqian Village Postcode 637319 Gaoyun Township Eleven Village, Gaoyun Township Seven Village, Gaoyun Township Five Village, Gaoyun Township Three Village Postcode 637320 Shihe Township Shihechang Village, Shihe Township Xipingsi Village, Shihe Township Zhongguping Village, Shihe Township Yutai Village Postcode 637321 Bilong Township Ganchaiya Village, Bilong Township Wutaishan Village, Bilong Township Tielugou Village, Bilong Township Jashiqiao Village Postcode 637322 Qunlong Township, 637324 Dongba Town Yinjiawan Village , Zhaiying’an Village, Dongba Town, Dongba Town, Yuanba Temple Village, Dongba Town Postcode 637325 Qianfoguan Village, Yonghong Township, Sanyuan Village, Yonghong Township, Yuanyang Village, Yonghong Township, Xianji Village, Yonghong Township Postcode 637326 Baiguoshu Village, Sanguan Town, Fenghuangya Village, Sanguan Town, Chaoyangan Village, Sanguan Town, Linjiaya Village, Dayan Township Zip code 637327 Yangjiazui Village, Yaochang Township, Tianbo Village, Wannian Town, Shimiaozi Village, Yaochang Township , Longzhu Village, Wannian Township, Postal Code 637328 Puzhao Temple Village, Meijia Township, Qinglian Temple Village, Meijia Township, Beiyahe Village, Meijia Township, Tiejiagou Village, Meijia Township Postcode 637329 Taipingqiao Village, Pingqiao Township, Pingqiao Township, Tongtong, Pingqiao Township Masi Village, Xiejialou Village, Pingqiao Township, Postal Code 637330 Xiaoligou Village, Heba Town, Dujiadian Village, Heba Town, Fanjiagou Village, Heba Town, Lixian’an Village, Heba Town Zip code 637331 Liujiaochong Village, Longmiao Township, Longmiao Township, Baihewan Village, Longmiao Township , Longmiao Township Gaowuji Village Postcode 637334 Dafu Township Lailongjing Village, Dafu Township Huangjiagou Village, Dafu Township Xiaoliugou Village, Dafu Township Postcode 637335 Fuli Town, Fuli Town Eight Villages, Fuli Town Six Villages, Fuli Town Jiu Village Postcode 637336 Saba Town, Heba Town Xingongqiao Village, Heba Town Huangtangsi Village, 637337 Dongjia Town Zhangjiawan Village, Wangjia Town, Wangjia Town Tongming’an Village, Dongjia Town Longxing Temple Village Postcode 637340 Lingjiang Village, Nanmu Town, Jinshi Village, Nanmu Town, Huaguan Village, Nanmu Town, Lijiamiao Village, Nanmu Town 637343 Sanjiaoshan Village, Wuling Township, Qiku Village, Wuling Township, Shichengzhai Village, Wuling Township, Daligou Village, Wuling Township Chendian Village, Fozugou Village, Nianya Township, Postcode 637346 Kangzhuang Village, Changping Township, Changping Township, 637347 Yongqingsi Village, Huangjin Town, Laoguanzui Village, Huangjin Town, Huangjiamiao Village, Huangjin Town, Dingjiaan Village, Huangjin Town, Zip Code 637350 Yinjiawan Village, Hanpo Township, Sifangzui Village, Hanpo Township, Hanpochang Village, Hanpo Township, Pengjiaya Village, Hanpo Township Postcode 637352 Baima Temple Village, Liuma Town, Liuma Town, Tashuiqiao Village, Liuma Town , Xiejia’an Village, Liuma Town, Zip Code 637353 Changling Village, Shuiyin Township, Qiaoba Village, Shuiyin Township, Shuiyin Township, Gaoya Village, Shuiyin Township, Zip Code 637355 Bijiashan Village, Dingshui Town, Bilongguan Village, Dingshui Town, Dingshui Water Town Zhuangzigou Village, 637356 Fengtai Township Qixin Village, Fengtai Township Renhe Village, Fengtai Township Yabahe Village, Fengtai Township Xinchangya Village Postcode 637357 Xingsheng Township Jingjiawan Village, Xingsheng Township, Xingsheng Township Zhangjia Dian Village, Baijiashan Village, Xingsheng Township, Zip Code 637359 Huanglianshu Village, Dawang Town, Dawang Town, Baolingshan Village, Dawang Town, Sunjiagou Village, Dawang Town, Zip Code 637361 Jianxing Town, Jianxing Town Chenjiazui Village, Jianxing Town Chenjia Ba Village, Xinmiaozi Village, Jianxing Town, 637363 Erjiaosi Village, Yifeng Township, Lihebian Village, Yifeng Township, Dongfeng Village, Yifeng Township, Baiyazi Village, Yifeng Township 637366 Longtansi Village, Longfeng Township, Zhonghejing Village, Longfeng Township, Huilongan Village, Longfeng Township, Dujiaci Village, Longfeng Township Postcode 637368 Shiqiao Village, Daqiao Town, Longquan Village, Daqiao Town, Laojun Village, Daqiao Town, Lianchi Village, Daqiao Town Postal code Code 637369 Lianhua Village, Shiquan Township, Longgu Village, Shiquan Township, Shiqiang Village, Shiquan Township, Taiyuan Village, Shiquan Township, Zip Code 637370 Lihua Village, Macro Township, Phoenix Village, Macro Township, Dongyue Village, Macro Township, Qingshan Village, Macro Township, Zip Code 637371 Xiongshi Township Dacang Village, Xiongshi Township Gaoma Village, Xiongshi Township Longsu Village, Xiongshi Township Junma Village Postcode 637373 Shuya Village, Dahe Town, Liujiaba Village, Dahe Town, Daba Village, Dahe Town, Shiba Village, Dahe Town Postal Code 637374 Yongqing Township, 637377 Qianqiu Township Anzishan Village, Qianqiu Township Pushici Village, Qianqiu Township Longhui Village, Qianqiu Township Fengyang Temple Village Postal Code 637378 Liuyi Township Dengtaizui Village, Liuyi Township Luocunyuan Village, Liu Guizibao Village, Liuyi Township, Liujiawan Village, Liuyi Township, 637379 Huacan Town, 637381 Jinzhong Village, Xiaoyuan Township, Lijiagou Village, Xiaoyuan Township, Zitong Temple Village, Xiaoyuan Township, Egongqiao Village, Xiaoyuan Township Postcode 637384 Yangjiashan Village, Shengzhong Town, Qiaobatou Village, Shengzhong Town, Fengdouya Village, Shengzhong Town, Qinglongguan Village, Shengzhong Town Postcode 637385 Yuanjiazui Village, Baocheng Township, Xiangzhushan Village, Baocheng Township, 637386 Yonghong Township, 637388 Linjiangping Village, Shengshui Town, Liangshan Village, Shengshui Town, Shengshui Town, Shufangping Village, Shengshui Town Postcode 637389 Zaojiao Township, 637390 Changguosi Village, Shuangfo Town, Xintiankan Village, Shuangfo Town, Hebianshang Village, Shuangfo Town, Shuangfo Town Dongqiuling Village Postcode 637391 Daping Town Bayi Village, Daping Town Liyi Village, Daping Town Qiyi Village, Daping Town Tiantai Village Postcode 637393 Tongping Township, Tongping Township, Tongping Township Lizhuang, Tongping Rural Satellite Village Zip Code 637394 Dianya Township Nanqiao Village, Dianya Township Lotus Village, Dianya Township Hongzhuang, Dianya Township Shaxi Village Postal Code 637395 Xihe Township Yuanbai Village, Xihe Township Gaoshan Village, Xihe Township, Xihe Township Honghu Village Postcode 637396 Taixia Township, Taixia Township Nanshan Village, Taixia Township Gaohe Village, Taixia Township Qianjin Village Postcode 637397 Tiebian Township Fuxing Village, Tiebian Township Suting Village, Tiebian Township Yuehuang Village, Tiebian Township Guangfu Village Postcode 637398 Shenba Town, 637399 Luhua Village, Guangzhong Township, Dayun Village, Guangzhong Township, Gaoling Village, Guangzhong Township, Shuangqiao Village, Guangzhong Township Zip code

2. Where is Zitong looking at lotus flowers

Cangxi Pear Expo Park, Bailong Lake Scenic Spot, Sichuan and Shaanxi Shudao Ruins Cuiyun Corridor Phoenix Tower Gucheng Mountain Nature Reserve Haideng Wuguan Heming Mountain Huangze Temple Jianmenguan Jianmen Shudao Jueyuan Temple Mingyue Gorge Scenic Spot Yinping Ancient Road, Zhaohua Ancient Town, Zhaohua Ancient Town, Guangyuan Bailong Lake Scenic Spot Bailong Lake is located in Qingchuan County and the central district of Guangyuan City, 60 kilometers away from Guangyuan City, covering an area of ​​100 square kilometers. Bailong Lake is a large artificial lake that will soon be formed. After the completion of the Baozhusi Power Station Dam, it will form a lake with a water area of ​​62 square kilometers, a storage capacity of 26.7 billion cubic meters, and an average water depth of 545 meters. Bailong Lake is surrounded by verdant mountains. The lake area is centered on Yangping Peninsula and is divided into 5 scenic spots with their own characteristics. Among them, the central area of ​​the lake is 14 square kilometers. , the scenery is magnificent. In addition, there are canyons and karst cave landscapes. The strange peaks on both sides of Huangmao Gorge are abrupt, the Chibi Skyscrapers, and the waterfalls and springs are spectacular. The gorge is more than 2,000 meters long. There are more than 30 large and small karst caves such as Ganlong Cave in the scenic area. The stalactites in the cave are varied and rich in landscape. Bailonghu District was the traffic hub in ancient times. It was an ancient road into Shu during the Qin and Han Dynasties. The famous Jinniu Road, Jinggu Road and Yinping Road intersected here. Ruins etc. Now it is a provincial scenic spot. Guangyuan Chuan-Shu Road Ruins The plank road is also known as the pavilion road, the plank pavilion. It is located in the Mingyue Gorge and Qingfeng Gorge in the north and south of Chaotian Town, 45 kilometers north of Guangyuan City, on the cliffs on the east bank of the Jialing River. It is the relic of the famous Shu Road between ancient Sichuan and Shaanxi. Many literati and writers in history have written a lot of descriptions, and the most popular is “The Difficult Road to Shu” by Li Bai of Tang Dynasty. The excavation of the plank road began in the pre-Qin period, and there is a record in “Historical Records” that “the plank road leads to Shuhan for thousands of miles”. Repairs have continued throughout the ages. Today, the pavilion road has been abandoned, and there are still holes in the rock wall. The holes are arranged in three layers, the upper, middle and lower layers. The holes in the middle layer are used as stakes, the upper layer is covered with wooden boards for walkways, the lower layer is used as support holes, and the upper layer is used to build a canopy to shelter from the rain. Each hole is about 30 cm square and about 50 cm deep. Looking at the plank road from a distance, it looks like a corridor in the sky, so it is also known as the Cloud Pavilion. Guangyuan Jiange Ancient Shu Road (Cuiyun Corridor) Ancient Shu Road Cuiyun Corridor, also known as “Imperial Cypress” and “Zhang Feibai”, is a green corridor composed of nearly 10,000 verdant ancient cypresses. Located in Jiange County, Guangyuan, Sichuan Province, it is distributed on the ancient post road of more than 300 miles. Despite the vicissitudes of the ages, it is still full of vitality. It is a rare group of ancient street trees artificially planted in the world, known as the wonder of the world and the soul of Shu Dao. Cuiyun Corridor is centered on Jiange County, east to Langzhong, west to Zitong, and north to Zhaohua. She is like a green dragon, along the undulating mountains, across the deep ravines, twists and turns, and circles on the ancient post road of Jiange. Her majestic momentum, emerald green posture, and grand physique have been sung by literati and writers of all dynasties, and have captivated tourists throughout the ages. The Qing Dynasty poet Qiao Bo praised: “Jianmen Road, among the rough and bumpy stones. Who are the ancient cypresses on both sides, three hundred kilometers and one hundred thousand trees. Green Cloud Corridor, Cang Yan Hu, Moss and flowers wet clothes, Hui Ke Weeping leaves cool demeanor There are no stones, no sleep, and sentences can be left everywhere. Dragons and snakes meander each other in the mountains. Hugh said that the road to Shu is difficult, and you should not mistake the road to Jianmen.” Since then, the poetic name of “Cuiyun Gallery” has become “Jianmen Lubai” “‘s nickname. Guangyuan Phoenix Building The Phoenix Building is located on the Phoenix Mountain in the middle of Guangyuan City. It is 42 meters high and has 14 floors. It is connected with the Phoenix Mountain as a whole. At night, the pavilion is brightly lit, just like a shining golden phoenix. The Phoenix Tower was built in 1988 and completed in 1989. The main body is poured with reinforced concrete, and the top of the building is covered with golden glazed tiles. Each floor has a viewing platform for sightseeing and is surrounded by aluminum alloy brown glass windows. She has both the simplicity and elegance of ancient buildings and the luxurious and luxurious style of modern buildings. There is a couplet on the main entrance on the south side. The upper couplet reads: “This is the first of the famous gardens in northern Sichuan”; The couplet on the north door is inscribed by Yang Rudai, the former secretary of the Sichuan Provincial Party Committee. Every floor in the building has paintings and calligraphy works by today’s celebrities. Climbing up the building to watch, the whole city of Guangyuan is vividly remembered, and the new city and the old city are integrated. The surging Jialing River, the gurgling Nanhe River runs through the city like two jade belts. The ancient Huangze Temple and the Thousand Buddha Cliffs spread the ancient civilization, and the Mercedes-Benz trains and modern high-tech enterprises broadcast the modern civilization to the world. When you climb the Phoenix Tower, you will feel “relaxed and happy, and you will forget all favors and insults”. The Phoenix Tower is worthy of the unique and magnificent world famous building today. “Phoenix Tower” is closely related to Empress Wu Zetian of the Tang Dynasty. It is said that when Wu Zetian was born in the seventh year of Tang Wude (AD 624), a phoenix circled around the house and flew towards Dongshan. Wu Zetian’s father (then the governor of Lizhou) immediately changed the name of Dongshan to Phoenix Mountain. At the age of 14, Wu Zetian was selected by Tang Taizong as a talented person, so the Phoenix Tower was only built on 14 floors, and the crested head looked back to the south, symbolizing that Wu Zetian missed his hometown. After Tang Taizong’s death, Tang Gaozong succeeded to the throne, and Wu Zetian was in charge of the government for 42 years, so the Phoenix Tower is 42 meters high. Although the Phoenix Tower was built today, it has become a unique symbol of Guangyuan and has quickly become famous. All tourists who come to Guangyuan take it as a pleasure to visit the building. Phoenix Mountain, now known as “Phoenix Mountain Park”, is the birthplace of Wu Zetian, and famous people of all dynasties have visited here. Therefore, since the Song Dynasty, many officials and famous officials have built gardens here. A famous park with a long history. After the founding of the People’s Republic of China, many new scenic spots have been added to the mountain. Among the lush green cypresses, there are many pavilions and pavilions, as well as singing and dancing fields and playgrounds for people to play. It is the best place to go to Phoenix Mountain Park, climb the building to view the scenery, and have fun in the park. Guangyuan Gucheng Mountain Nature Reserve Gucheng Mountain-Qilixia Scenic Area is located in Gucheng Township, north of Wangcang County, Guangyuan City, 63 kilometers away from the county seat. It belongs to the western section of the Micangshan system, and is a landform in the process of structural erosion and dissolution. The Gucheng Scenic Area is dominated by mountain scenery, and the forest landscape, wild animals and underground landscape complement each other; Gucheng Mountain is named because the mountain is like a drum. The surrounding cliffs are like walls, reaching a height of more than 150-200 meters. The main landscapes are “Sky Drums in the Sea of ​​Clouds”, Dahongyan “Rock Wall Castle”, Zhongshanbao “Natural Wind Erosion Garden”, Taba River “Flower Path leading to secluded”, Lanbazi wildlife haunts and Carmen, Dahongyan “underground”. The Labyrinth of the Dark River” etc. The Qilixia Scenic Spot is dominated by water features, and the canyons, forests and flowing water are integrated together, forming a unique charm that is colorful, elegant and secluded. The river valley here is narrow, and there are many cliffs in the valley. The river water is natural and pure, clear and crystal clear, and the stones are colorful. The main attractions are Wanjuan Gorge, Diicui Gorge Pearl Curtain Waterfall, Pearl Beach, “Don’t Day” and so on. The river in the Bailong Palace Scenic Spot is blue and clear, calm like a mirror; the mountains are tall and straight, like a sword like a screen. There are Bailong Palace, Black Dragon Pool, Iron Buddha Temple and other attractions. Gucheng Mountain-Qilixia is a provincial scenic spot. Guangyuan Heming Mountain Heming Mountain is located in the east of the ancient city of Jiange, with steep mountains and beautiful scenery. The Wenfeng Pagoda built in the Qing Dynasty stands on its top, the ridges are covered with pines, and the mountains are lush with green cypresses. With the “Chongyang Pavilion” rebuilt in the early Tang Dynasty as the center, many cultural relics and historical sites are connected in a line, and it has always been a place of “climbing and viewing”. Heming Mountain, also known as Tazi Mountain, is located on the outskirts of Jiange County on the Sichuan-Shaanxi Highway. According to legend, in ancient times, flying cranes often roared here, and Zhang Ling, the founder of Taoism, got his name from crossing the crane fairy here. In recent years, some scholars believe that this is the birthplace of Zhang Ling’s creation of the Five Dou Rice Religion, and it is the leader of the Taoist resorts, known as “the immortal capital of Taoism”. At present, Heming Mountain Park has been opened on the mountain, and pavilions, platforms, buildings and pavilions combining ancient architectural style and modern art have been rebuilt, which has become a major scenic spot in northern Sichuan. The Wenfeng White Pagoda at the north end of Heming Mountain is 21.7 meters high and has six floors and eight sides. The outer tower on the first floor is engraved with a dragon pattern, and there is a bluestone in the center of the tower. The stone is engraved with a Taiji gossip pattern. It is the only brick-and-stone pagoda related to Taoism in northern Sichuan. There are 10 stone carvings in the Tang, Song, Yuan, Ming and Qing dynasties on the top of the mountain. The more famous ones include Taoist statues, “Jianzhou Chongyang Pavilion Inscriptions and Preface” stele and “Datang Zhongxing Song” stone carvings, which are recognized as Heming. Mountain and stone carvings “three musts”. It is a masterpiece of ancient culture left by the Tang people. Heming Mountain Park has been opened up on the mountain, and pavilions, platforms, buildings and pavilions combining ancient architectural styles and modern art have been rebuilt. Bronze buckets, etc.; there is also a fine “lotus petal pattern bean celadon bowl” produced in Longquan Grottoes in the Song Dynasty, which has been identified as a national first-class cultural relic by experts. Now Heming Mountain has become a famous scenic spot in northern Sichuan. Guangyuan Huangze Temple is located at the foot of Wulong Mountain by the Jialing River, one kilometer west of Guangyuan City. It is the only female emperor in Chinese history and the worship temple of Wu Zetian, an outstanding female politician in the feudal era. Late Northern Wei Dynasty. In the Zhenguan period of the early Tang Dynasty, the governor of Lizhou (now Guangyuan), the warrior Yu, once opened a cave in the temple to make a statue. His wife Yang was pregnant with a dragon and gave birth to Wu Zetian when he was traveling in a boat in the Jiangtan in the south of the temple. After Zetian proclaimed himself emperor, he ordered the temple to be engraved with its true face. The name of the temple was “Huangze”. . The cliff statues in the temple are the first batch of national key cultural relics protection units announced by the State Council in 1961. There are currently 52 caves and more than 1,200 statues. Among them, the Central Pillar Cave and the Big Buddha Cave are large in scale and exquisite in statues. The representative works of Buddhist sculpture art of the period. Guangyuan Thousand Buddha Cliff is located on the Sichuan-Shaanxi Highway on the east bank of Jialing River, five kilometers north of Guangyuan City. organic unity. The Qianfoya Cliff Statue began in the Northern Wei Dynasty and has lasted for nearly 1,500 years. On the cliff with a height of 45 meters and a length of more than 200 meters from north to south, it is full of statue niches, overlapping 13 layers, as dense as a honeycomb. According to the inscription in the fourth year of Xianfeng in the Qing Dynasty (1854), the statues on the whole cliff reached “17,000 odd”. It is a pity that more than half of the statues were destroyed when the Sichuan-Shaanxi Highway was built in 1935. There are only more than 400 niches and more than 7,000 statues of different sizes. The whole cliff statue is centered on Dayun Cave and is divided into two sections, north and south. The caves in the southern section include: Big Buddha Cave, Lotus Cave, Muni Pavilion, Thousand Buddha Caves, Sleeping Buddha Shrine, Duobao Buddha Shrine, Reception Buddha Shrine, Offering Human Shrine, Shenlong Buddha, Ruyi Wheel Avalokitesvara, Single Buddha Cave, etc.; the northern section niches The caves include: Sanshi Buddha Shrine, Wuyou Huashu Cave, Maitreya Buddha Shrine, Three Body Buddha Shrine, Jiexing Monk Shrine, Bodhi Statue Grotto, Jile Tianren Cave, Ksitigarbha Shrine, Li Shi Shrine, Lushana Shrine, Eleven-faced Guanyin Statues, Amitabha shrines, Feitian caves, Tibetan Buddhist caves in the Qing Dynasty, etc. Dayun Cave is located in the center of the Thousand Buddha Cliffs and is the largest in scale, with a total of 234 statues. There are 148 lotus Guanyin statues carved on the left and right walls, and the big Buddha statue in the center of the cave is Maitreya Buddha. It is said that the Maitreya Buddha is the incarnation of Wu Zetian. Guangyuan Jianmen Pass Jianmen Pass is located 45 kilometers south of Guangyuan City. Here, the mountains stretch for more than 100 kilometers from east to west. The 72 peaks are undulating and high into the sky. The two mountains face each other like a door at the break of the steep wall. The situation is dangerous, hence the name. It is easy to defend and difficult to attack here. During the Three Kingdoms period, Jiang Wei, the general of Shu, guarded this pass, and the 100,000-strong elite division of the generals of Wei State was blocked outside the Jianmen Pass, unable to do anything. There are still monuments of “First Pass” and “The Great Pass in the World” between the rock walls of the pass. People can still see the majestic 72 peaks of Jiange from afar, and imagine the steepness of the pass. The newly built Jianmenguan Building stands at the gate and is magnificent. The nearby mountains are stretched, the vegetation is green, and the scenery is beautiful. The main peak of Jianmen Pass, Dajian Mountain, is 1,200 meters above sea level. On the top of the mountain is an ancient temple built in the Song Dynasty—Liangshan Temple. Along the way, you can enjoy views of Shimen Pass, Stalagmite Peak, Chuandongliang, Fairy Bridge, Shesheng Cliff and other landscapes.

3. Where can I see lotus in Zitong

Related towns/townships with zip code 637300 Youfanggou Village, Hedong Town, Zhaohong Village, Beiyuan Town, Dengjiayan Road, Nanlong Town, Jinniu Street Zip code 637301 Xujiaqiao Village, Dingshui Town, Dingshui Town Zhengjiagou Village, 637306 Liushu Township Sun Village, Liushu Township Silk Palace Village, Liushu Township Liangjiaqiao Village, Liushu Township Zhenwu Village Postcode 637310 Nanlong Town Yongquan Village, Nanlong Township, Banbian Street, Nanlong Town Wangnan Village Postcode 637311 Yidong Village, Daqiao Township, Jinxing Township, Zhuangzi Village, Daqiao Township, 637312 Shuanglongzui Village, Yongqing Township, Yongqing Township, Sanqing Village, Zaoer Township, Changqing Village, Yongqing Township Postcode 637313 Qintaisi Village, Huofeng Township, Dashiqiao Village, Huofeng Township, Manfuba Village, Huofeng Township, Erlangmiao Village, Huofeng Township 637317 Wushenggong Village, Xiehe Town, Xiehe Town, Shehongjiao Village, Xiehe Town, Chengdong Village, Xiehe Town Postcode 637318 Jingqiankou Village, Panlong Town, Yulongshan Village, Panlong Town, Baiyangou Village, Panlong Town , Wuliqian Village, Panlong Township, Postcode 637319 Eleven Village, Gaoyun Township, Seven Village, Gaoyun Township, Five Villages, Gaoyun Township, Three Villages, Gaoyun Township Postcode 637320 Shihechang Village, Shihe Township, Xipingsi Village, Shihe Township, Bell and Drum, Shihe Township Ping Village, Shihe Township Yutai Village Postcode 637321 Bilong Township Ganchaiya Village, Bilong Township Wutaishan Village, Bilong Township Tielugou Village, Bilong Township Jashiqiao Village Postcode 637322 Qunlong Township, 637324 Dongba Town Yinjiawan Village, Zhaiying’an Village, Dongba Town, Dongba Town, Yuanba Temple Village, Dongba Town Postcode 637325 Qianfoguan Village, Yonghong Township, Sanyuan Village, Yonghong Township, Yuanyang Village, Yonghong Township, Yonghong Township Xian Ji Village Postcode 637326 Sanguan Town Baiguoshu Village, Sanguan Town Fenghuangya Village, Sanguan Town Chaoyangan Village, Dayan Township Linjiaya Village Postcode 637327 Yaochang Township Yangjiazui Village, Wannian Town Tianbo Village, Yaochang Township Shimiaozi Village, Longzhu Village, Wannian Town, Postcode 637328 Puzhao Temple Village, Meijia Township, Qinglian Temple Village, Meijia Township, Beiyahe Village, Meijia Township, Tiejiagou Village, Meijia Township Postcode 637329 Taipingqiao Village, Pingqiao Township, Pingqiao Township, Tongmasi Village, Pingqiao Township, Xiejialou Village, Pingqiao Township, Postal Code 6 37330 Xiaoligou Village, Heba Town, Dujiadian Village, Heba Town, Fanjiagou Village, Heba Town, Lixian’an Village, Heba Town Zip code 637331 Liujiaochong Village, Longmiao Township, Longmiao Township, Baihewan, Longmiao Township Village, Gaowuji Village, Longmiao Township, Postcode 637334 Dafu Township Lailongjing Village, Dafu Township Huangjiagou Village, Dafu Township Xiaoliugou Village, Dafu Township Postcode 637335 Fuli Town, Fuli Town Eight Village, Fuli Town Six Village , Fuli Town Jiu Village Postal Code 637336 Saba Town, Heba Town Xingongqiao Village, Heba Town Huangtangsi Village, 637337 Dongjia Village Zhangjiawan Village, Wangjia Town, Wangjia Town Tongming’an Village, Dongjia Town Longxing Temple Village Postal Service Code 637340 Lingjiang Village, Nanmu Town, Jinshi Village, Nanmu Town, Huaguan Village, Nanmu Town, Lijiamiao Village, Nanmu Town Postcode 637341 Wenfeng Village, Beiyuan Town, Shizizui Village, Zhongxin Township, Yongjiadian Village, Zhongxin Township, Shuiyahe Village, Zhongxin Township Code 637343 Sanjiaoshan Village, Wuling Township, Qiku Village, Wuling Township, Shichengzhai Village, Wuling Township, Daligou Village, Wuling Township Postcode 637344 Zhongxin Township, 637345 Nianpan Township Xia Yaoba Village, Nianya Township Fujiamiao Village, Nianpan Township Chendian Village, Nianya Township Fozugou Village Postcode 637346 Changping Township Kangzhuang Village, Changping Township, 637347 Sanqing Township Pangjia Village, Sanqing Township Active Village, Sanqing Township Luojia Village, Sanqing Township Nanya Village Postcode 637349 Yongqing Temple Village, Huangjin Town, Laoguanzui Village, Huangjin Town, Huangjiamiao Village, Huangjin Town, Dingjiaan Village, Huangjin Town, Zip Code 637351 Yinjiawan Village, Hanpo Township, Sifangzui Village, Hanpo Township, Hanpochang Village, Hanpo Township, Pengjiaya Village, Hanpo Township Postcode 637352 Baima Temple Village, Liuma Town, Liuma Town, Tashui Bridge, Liuma Town Village, Xiejia’an Village, Liuma Town, Zip Code 637353 Changling Village, Shuiyin Township, Qiaoba Village, Shuiyin Township, Shuiyin Township, Gaoya Village, Shuiyin Township, Zip Code 637355 Bijiashan Village, Dingshui Town, Bilongguan Village, Dingshui Town, Zhuangzigou Village, Dingshui Town, 637356 Qixin Village, Fengtai Township, Renhe Village, Fengtai Township, Yabahe Village, Fengtai Township, Xinchangya Village, Fengtai Township Postcode 637357 Jingjiawan Village, Xingsheng Township, Xingsheng Township, Xingsheng Township Zhang Jiadian Village, Baijiashan Village, Xingsheng Township Postcode 637359 Huanglianshu Village, Dawang Town, Baolingshan Village, Dawang Township, Sunjiagou Village, Dawang Town Postcode 637361 Jianxing Town, Jianxing Town Chenjiazui Village, Jianxing Town Chen Jaba Village, Xinmiaozi Village, Jianxing Town, Zip Code 637363 Erjiaosi Village, Yifeng Township, Lihebian Village, Yifeng Township, Dongfeng Village, Yifeng Township, Baiya, Yifeng Township Zi Village Postal Code 637366 Longtan Temple Village, Longfeng Township, Zhonghejing Village, Longfeng Township, Huilongan Village, Longfeng Township, Dujiaci Village, Longfeng Township Postcode 637368 Shiqiao Village, Daqiao Town, Longquan Village, Daqiao Town, Laojun Village, Daqiao Town, Daqiao Town Lianchi Village Postcode 637369 Lianhua Village, Shiquan Township, Longgu Village, Shiquan Township, Shiqiang Village, Shiquan Township, Taiyuan Village, Shiquan Township Postcode 637370 Macro Township Lihua Village, Macro Township Phoenix Village, Macro Township Dongyue Village, Macro Township Qingshan Village Postal Service Code 637371 Dakang Village, Xiongshi Township, Gaoma Village, Xiongshi Township, Longsu Village, Xiongshi Township, Junma Village, Xiongshi Township Postcode 637373 Shuya Village, Dahe Town, Liujiaba Village, Dahe Town, Daba Village, Dahe Town, Dahe Township Shiba Village Postcode 637374 Yongqing Township, 637377 Qianqiu Township Anzishan Village, Qianqiu Township Pu Shici Village, Qianqiu Township Longhui Village, Qianqiu Township Fengyang Temple Village Postcode 637378 Liuyi Township Dengtaizui Village, Liuyi Township Luo Village Yuan Village, Guizibao Village, Liuyi Township, Liujiawan Village, Liuyi Township, 637379 Huacan Town, 637381 Jinzhong Village, Xiaoyuan Township, Lijiagou Village, Xiaoyuan Township, Zitongmiao Village, Xiaoyuan Township, Xiaoyuan Township Egongqiao Village Postcode 637384 Yangjiashan Village, Shengzhong Town, Qiaobatou Village, Shengzhong Town, Fengdouya Village, Shengzhong Town, Qinglongguan Village, Shengzhong Town Postcode 637385 Yuanjiazui Village, Baocheng Township, Xiangzhushan Village, Baocheng Township , 637386 Yonghong Township, 637388 Linjiangping Village, Shengshui Town, Liangshan Village, Shengshui Town, Shengshui Town, Shufangping Village, Shengshui Town Postcode 637389 Zaojiao Township, 637390 Changguosi Village, Shuangfo Town, Xintiankan Village, Shuangfo Town, Shuangfo Town Hebianshang Village, Dongqiuling Village, Shuangfo Town, Zip Code 637391 Bayi Village, Daping Town, Liyi Village, Daping Town, Qiyi Village, Daping Town, Tiantai Village, Daping Town, Zip Code 637393 Tongping Township, Tongping Township, Tongping Township Li Zhuang, Tongping Township Satellite Village Postcode 637394 Dianya Township Nanqiao Village, Dianya Township Lotus Village, Dianya Township Hongzhuang, Dianya Township Shaxi Village Postcode 637395 Xihe Township Yuanbai Village, Xihe Township Gaoshan Village, Xihe Township, Xihe Township Honghu Village Postcode 637396 Taixia Township, Taixia Township Nanshan Village, Taixia Township Gaohe Village, Taixia Township Qianjin Village Postcode 637397 Tiebian Township Fuxing Village, Tiebian Township Suting Village, Tiebian Township Yuehuang Village, Tiebian Guangfu Village, Bianxiang Township, 637398 Shenba Town, 637399 Luhua Village, Guangzhong Township, Dayun Village, Guangzhong Township, Gaoling Village, Guangzhong Township, Shuangqiao Village, Guangzhong Township Zip code

4. Where is the Tongnan Lotus Festival

Building in 2006, it connects Tongnan The bridge between the old city and Jiangbei new city.

5. Is the lotus blooming in Tongguan?

The best time to take a self-driving tour along the Yellow Highway in Shaanxi is in May or June or September and October, avoiding winter and summer. Because Shaanxi Yanhuang Highway is along the west bank of the Yellow River, starting from Tongguan in the Guanzhong Plain in the south and reaching Fugu in the northern Shaanxi Plateau in the north, it is hot in summer and slippery in winter.

The whole journey along the Huangguang Road is more than 800 kilometers. You can enjoy the scenery from the Guanzhong Plain to the Northern Shaanxi Plateau along the route, and appreciate different landforms and climates.

Huayin is the starting point along the Yellow Tourism Road, where you can visit scenic spots such as Huashan and Yuquanyuan.

The next stop is Tongguan, where the Yellow River leaves Shaanxi. Visit Tongguan Shili Gallery and Sanhekou Scenic Area, experience the Yellow River hovercraft, and photograph the Yellow River. Delta wetland spring landscape.

Then go upstream along the Yellow River to Heyang and visit Fushan Qiachuan, Xinguo Water City, etc.

Next stop at Hancheng, go to Sima Qian Temple, Dangjia Village, Yellow River Dragon Gate, Liangdai Village Museum, visit Yellow River Traffic History, Hancheng historical story.

Out of Hancheng, it is Hukou Waterfall, where the Yellow River is located. Not only is the river channel suddenly narrow, but there is also a sudden huge drop. Therefore, the waves are even more violent, and the waves collide on the rocks, causing bursts of water mist, like clouds and smoke, which is very shocking.

In Yichuan – Yanchuan, visit the Yellow River Shequ Geopark, go to Qiankun Bay, Qingshuiguan, Huifeng Village, and the Yellow River Plank Road etc., to understand the role of the Yellow River in shaping the shape of the Loess Plateau.

Wubao’s Qiankun Bay, “the ninety-nine bends of the Yellow River are the most beautiful than Qiankun Bay.” Qiankun Bay is one of the most beautiful places on the Yellow River. The great spectacle is shaped like a natural Tai Chi map, so it is called Qiankun Bay.

Go to Jiaxian, visit Baiyun Mountain and Xianglu Temple in Jiaxian County. Experience Chiniuyuan folk customs.

Go to Fugu, visit the ancient city of Fuzhou, and look for the “Mongolian-Hantian Book” of wind erosion.

Finally, go to Fugu Qiangtou Township, the northern starting point of Yanhuangguang Road. Along the way, visit the Danxia Landscape Lotus Yi and look for the remains of the ancient Great Wall.

6. Lotus ornamental spot in Ziqiang Town, Zitong

.Sichuan Deyang Jiecheng Industrial Electronics Co., Ltd. (Supply Building, Taishan South Road, Urban Area) 2. Sichuan Deyang Songyuan Industrial Electronics Co., Ltd. (No. 4, Taishan South Road, Urban Area) 3. Mianzhu Tianfeng Electronics Co., Ltd. (South Nanxuan Road) 4. Jianfeng Electronics Factory, Guanghan City, Sichuan Province (Gaozong Temple, Xinfeng Township) 5. Hongqing Electronics Factory, Zhongjiang County (No. 173, Qiaoting Street, Kaijiang Town) 6. Deyang Daxin Electronics Co., Ltd. (Yongxing Bridge, Taishan North Road) 7. Deyang Wanhao Electronics Co., Ltd. (Donghu Mountain) 8. Deyang Keguang Electronics Co., Ltd. (No. 149, Tianshan North Road, Urban Area (No. 2, Renmin Canal)) 9. Deyang Sanxin Electronic Technology Co., Ltd. (No. 57, Section 1, Taishan South Road, Urban Area) 10. Delida Electronics Factory, Deyang City, Sichuan Province (Huanghe West Road) 11. Deyang Senwang Electronics Co., Ltd. (No. 18, Zhujiang East Road, Jinghu Development Zone) 12 .Sichuan Aihua Electronics Co., Ltd. (Industrial Park) 13. Shida Electronics Factory, Guanghan City, Sichuan Province (No. 22, Section 1, Nanchang Road) 14. Deyang Jingda Machinery Electronic Technology Co., Ltd. (No. 167, Taishan South Road) 15. Guanghan Railway Electronics Co., Ltd. Employee Stock Ownership Association of the responsible company (Xiangtan Road North Section 2) 16. Deyang Zhike Electronics Co., Ltd. (Room 303, Jin’an Building, Huashan South Road (Deshi Road)) 17. Sichuan Mianzhu Hongji Electronics Co., Ltd. (Ruixiang, Jiannan Town) Road 209) 18. Deyang Jiaxin Electronics Co., Ltd. (No. A13-14, City Garden, East Street, Urban District) 19. Deyang Youhao Quartz Crystal Electronics Factory (No. 8, Yang’an Avenue, Xiaoquan Town) 20. Deyang Zhaolong Electronics Co., Ltd. (No. 48, Jinjiang Street) 21. Guanghan Tigers Electronics Co., Ltd. (Zhenchang Town, Xiangyang) 22. Sichuan Guanghan Dongjia Electronic Technology Co., Ltd. (middle section of Zitong Street) 23. Shifang City, Sichuan Province Pengcheng Electronic Technology Co., Ltd. (No. 134, Yingfeng North Road, Fangting Town) 24. Deyang Huasheng Electronics Co., Ltd. (No. 61, Xiangjiang Road, downtown) 25. Deyang Zhengxin Electronics Co., Ltd. (No. 23, Taishan South Road) 26. Deyang Ziguang Electronics Factory (No. 158-160, Foshan Street, urban area) 27. Deyang Chuangke Electronics Co., Ltd. (No. 168, Huangshan Road) 28. Deyang Hongling Electronics Co., Ltd. (No. 17, Huashan North Road, urban area) 29. Deyang Knight Electronic Technology Co., Ltd. Times Computer Plaza Branch (2nd Floor, No. 2, Xianan Street, urban area) 30. Deyang Haite Electronics Co., Ltd. (Zijingshan Road, Tianyuan Development Zone) 31. Deyang Hongkun Electronics Co., Ltd. (East Yangtze River) Road 27) 32. Sichuan Guanghan Best Electronics Co., Ltd. (middle section of Xicheng Road) 33. Deyang Knight Electronic Technology Co., Ltd. (2nd Floor, No. 2, Xianan Street, downtown) 34. Sichuan Fanxin Electronic Technology Co., Ltd. Ginkgo Restaurant (No. 122, Minjiang West Road) 35. Sichuan Guanghan Huafeng Electronic Materials Factory (Xinfeng Town) 36. Deyang Xinhong Electronics Co., Ltd. (Second Section of Changjiang West Road in the urban area) No. 21) 37. Deyang Xin’an Electronics Co., Ltd. (Hehua Community, Kaijiang Town (the ground floor of the former power company)) 38. Deyang Zhongzhi Electronics Co., Ltd. (No. 29-6, Section 2, Tianshan South Road) 39. Deyang Tailong Electronics Co., Ltd. (No. 1-2, Building 2, Chunmian Garden Phase III, Foshan Street) 40. Deyang Zhenghua Machinery Electronics Co., Ltd. (Hanjiang Road) 41. Deyang Zhida Electronics Co., Ltd. (No. 32, Section 2, Mianyuan Street, Urban District) 42 .Guanghan Kefeng Electronics Co., Ltd. (Second Section of Xiangtan Road) 43. Sichuan Deyang Aote Electronics Co., Ltd. (in the Anhua Guest House of City Electromechanical Equipment Corporation, No. 1 Zhongshan Street) 44. Dingtian Electronics Co., Ltd. (Jinghu Development) District) 45. Sichuan Liteng Electronics Co., Ltd. (Xiangyang Town) 46. Deyang Xinguang Electronic Technology Co., Ltd. (No. B1, 2nd Floor, No. 2, Xianan Street, urban area) 47. Deyang Xunke Electronics Co., Ltd. (city area) 2nd Floor, Commercial and Residential Building, Caiquan Garden) 48. Sichuan Deyang Gaoxin Electronics Co., Ltd. (Chunjing Bridge, Tianshan Road) 49. Deyang Huiyuan Electronics Co., Ltd. (Xiaoquan Town) 50. Sichuan Deyang Dunkin Electronics Co., Ltd. ( No. 166, Taishan North Road)

7. What is the place where Zitong looks at the lotus?

The specific location of the red leaves in Weicheng is Qunyi Village, Weicheng Town, Youxian District, Mianyang City, with a total of more than 800 acres and 150,000 maple trees. The starting point of the self-driving route is as follows: Mianyang City

1. Start from the starting point in the due east direction, drive 30 meters, and turn right

< p style=”color: rgb(27, 25, 35);”>2. Drive 90 meters and turn left into Mianxing East Road












8. 临潼附近哪有荷花呢







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