
小博 2024-06-24 14







Shimizu Yan is located in Penglai Mountain, 16 kilometers northwest of Anxi city, Fujian Province. It is the hometown of the world-famous tea Tieguanyin. The scenic spot covers a total area of 11.1 square kilometers. 清水祖师 believed in Buddhism since he was a child. He often traveled to various famous mountains and temples to visit eminent monks and learn the Dharma. When he was 26 years old, he was ordained as a monk at the Kaiyuan Temple. He went ashore in Xiamen to spread the Buddhist teachings and traveled to Putian to practice. In the second year of Jianyan in the Southern Song Dynasty (1128), he settled in the Jiufeng Caves of Penglai Mountain and practiced in seclusion.


清水岩历代文物古迹有宋代29处,元代2处,明代8处,清代5处,近代拓展、恢复23处。其中宋代文物《岩图》碑,堪称文物瑰宝。2008年,清水岩被列为中国首批涉台文物保护工程之一;2011年,“清水祖师信俗”被列为第三批中国国家级非物质文化;2013年5月,清水岩列为第七批中国重点文物保护单位。清水岩及“帝”字形商标被评为“福建省著名商标”。 2024年,清水岩每年接待中外游客30多万人次,在东南亚、日本、台湾等国家和地区的清水岩分庙有300多座。


每年三月三为清水祖师诞辰,清水岩都会举办一系列隆重的祭祀活动,包括祈福法会、游神赛会等。届时,来自海内外的信众都会齐聚清水岩,共襄盛举。 游览清水岩还可以参观清水祖师祖师殿、大雄宝殿、观音殿等古建筑,了解清水祖师的生平事迹和佛教文化。



Tieguanyin is said to be the patron saint of Anxi. According to legend, in the Qianlong period of the Qing Dynasty (1736-1795), after drinking the spring water given by the locals of Xiping, Mr. Wang alertly discovered a tea tree with a strange shape and dense branches under the stone. He transplanted it back to his garden and watered it with the spring water from the cliff. After several years of careful cultivation, the tea tree finally grew into a new variety of tea with a unique flavor. Later, people named it “Tieguanyin” in order to commemorate the legend.


清水岩附近便是铁观音主产地,茶香萦绕,茶文化氛围浓厚。在清水岩景区内,设有茶室和茶艺表演, 游客可以一边品茗,一边欣赏铁观音茶文化的非遗技艺,了解铁观音的制作工艺和文化内涵。


Tieguanyin is a kind of oolong tea, so its shape is between green tea and black tea. It belongs to semi-fermented tea, which has both the fragrance of green tea and the mellow taste of black tea. High-quality Tieguanyin tea leaves are verdant, round and full, with obvious green stalks. The tea leaves are thick and heavy, and the aroma is long-lasting. The brewed tea soup is golden and clear, with a unique orchid fragrance.



Anxi County has a long history and profound cultural heritage. In addition to the famous Tieguanyin, there are also many unique folk customs, such as the lion dance, dragon dance, and opera. During the Spring Festival, Lantern Festival, and other traditional festivals, various folk performances will be staged at the foot of the mountain in Penglai Township.


If you are interested in the folk culture of Anxi, you can visit the Anxi Folk Culture Museum. The museum houses a large number of folk cultural relics and materials, including traditional costumes, farming tools, and handicrafts. It helps to visitors to gain a comprehensive understanding of the rich folk culture of Anxi.


In addition to the folk performances, Anxi’s ethnic handicrafts are also very distinctive, such as straw weaving and bamboo weaving. Tourists can visit the local handicraft workshops to experience these traditional crafts firsthand.



Fujian Quanzhou is rich in granite resources, and there are many granite peaks here. Due to years of weathering and rain erosion, many fantastic granite peaks have been formed, each with its own unique shape. The most famous ones include the “Lion Peak”, “Elephant Peak”, and “Phoenix Peak”. The “Lion Peak” is especially worth mentioning. It is huge and tall, and looks like a lion standing on a rock, with its head raised and its eyes peering into the distance.


In addition to the strange peaks and rocks, Shimizu Rock is also rich in waterfalls. The most famous waterfall is the “Nine-Dragon Waterfall”. The waterfall is more than ten meters high and has nine different shapes of waterfalls, hence the name. The waterfall is very spectacular, especially after a rainstorm. The water rushes down from the cliff, forming a white torrent, which is deafening and spectacular.


As the climate and soil of Anxi are very suitable for the growth of plants, the vegetation of Shimizu Rock is very lush. The main vegetation type here is subtropical evergreen broad-leaved forest. The trees are tall and dense, forming a green canopy, which makes the air here very fresh.


The sunrise and sunset of Shimizu Rock is also very charming. The best place to watch the sunrise is from the “Lion Peak”. Standing on the “Lion Peak”, visitors can see the clouds in the morning glow, and see a red sun slowly rising from the horizon, which is very spectacular. The sunset of Shimizu Rock is suitable for watching from the “Phoenix Peak”. The peak of the “Phoenix Peak” is flat, and there are no trees, so visitors can have a panoramic view of the sunset here.



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