斋月来大马的正确方式 Ramadan is coming

小博 2024-09-13 21

斋月来大马的正确方式 Ramadan is coming

斋月科普 What’s Ramadan?

斋月是指伊斯兰历里的第九个月。在这个月里,从黎明至日落,全世界的穆斯林都要进行斋戒,而这绝不仅仅只限于戒饮食。Ramadan is the ninth month of the Islamic lunar calendar. Every day during this month, Muslims around the world spend the daylight hours in a complete fast, which is much more than just not eating and drinking.
在阿拉伯语中,“斋戒”(sawm)的字面意思是“克制、节制”(to refrain)。它不仅要求戒饮食,更要远离邪恶的行为、思想和语言。在斋月里,穆斯林将与伤害过自己的人讲和,与亲友变得更亲密,改掉不好的习惯……从根本上净化自己的生命、思想和情感。The Arabic word for “fasting” (sawm) literally means “to refrain” – and it means not only refraining from food and drink, but from evil actions, thoughts, and words. Muslims are to make peace with those who have wronged them, strengthen ties with family and friends, do away with bad habits — essentially to clean up their lives, thoughts, and feelings.
大马斋月Ramadan in Malaysia在吉隆坡,19:30开始,Jalan Raja的道路会暂时封闭,特质的餐垫会放到道路中间供人们一起享用免费的斋月小吃。从17:00到22:00,大家会一起念诵古兰经、祈祷,供奉bubur lambuk(一种传统的粥),并聆听特殊的开示。大马人民会非常欢迎游客们的加入。In Kuala Lumpur, the Jalan Raja road will be closed to traffic and special mats will be rolled out for the public to “picnic” on the road and enjoy a free meal when the time comes to break the fast at around 7:30 pm. Quranic recitations, mass prayers, bubur lambuk (a type of traditional porridge) demonstration, and special talks are scheduled from 5pm to 10pm. Visitors are welcomed to join the events.

别以为斋月来到马来西亚,就与大马无穷无尽的美食无缘了;日落之后,丰盛美味的开斋饭(iftar)等着你来品尝!你将会发现,在Pantai Dalam, TTDI, Section 17, Section 14, Kelana Jaya或 Cheras……斋月集市将在日落之后如雨后春笋一样出现,你将在这里品尝到道地的马来美食。
Do not mistake that Ramadan has nothing to do with fine food. Visitors to Malaysia will be greeted with iftar at the end of each day of fasting. At Pantai Dalam, TTDI, Section 17, Section 14, Kelana Jaya, and Cheras, countless Ramadan food bazaars that pop-up everywhere for everyone to sample authentic Malay cuisines.

先试试人气最旺的以下5处吧!Here are five recommended ones:

印度人街,吉隆坡Jalan Masjid India, Kuala Lumpur

沿着印度人街和TAR街(轻轨:嘉美克清真寺站)附近的购物街展开,这里是吉隆坡最人声鼎沸的集市。便宜小吃、纺织品和小玩意儿都可以在这里找到。One of the capital’s liveliest bazaars unfurls along Jalan Masjid India and the adjacent shopping strip of Jalan Tuanku Abdul Rahman, or “TAR” for short (light rail station Masjid Jamek). Bargain snacks, textiles and knickknacks mingle here.

武吉免登,吉隆坡Bukit Bintang, Kuala Lumpur

武吉免登商场群近在咫尺的地方,开斋小摊上的美食能让你目不暇接。多在附近转转,找找最道地的那一摊,也可以偷懒地直接找排队的人最多的那一个。A few minutes away in the shopping and entertainment hub of Bukit Bintang, Ramadan stands are laden with rows of fine food. Be prepared to sniff around a bit to find the most authentic stalls, or simply follow the longest queues.

孟沙区,吉隆坡Bangsar, Kuala Lumpur

在时髦的外国人聚居区——孟沙区居住的人一定不会错过Telawi街上每天出现的斋月集市。Those staying in the hip expat neighbourhood of Bangsar won’t miss out on the festival of food, with the daily Bazaar Ramadan on Jalan Telawi.

乔治城Makloom街,槟城Jalan Makloom George Town, Penang

马六甲大型斋月集市Bazaar Ramadhan Mega Melaka

马六甲斋月集市沿着市中心北面的Jalan Hang Tuah 展开。这里的糕点都是典型的娘惹口味。The Bazaar Ramadhan Mega Melaka, which extends along Jalan Hang Tuah north of the city centre. Many of the kuih here are typical Nyonya or “grandma” specialities — a fusion of Straits Chinese and Malay flavours.

除了街头巷尾的斋月集市,追求高大上的你也可以选择豪华酒店里的斋月自助餐。Ramadan Buffet in hotels or restaurants is another option except for the Ramadan Bazaar.

注意事项 Tips for Visitors
斋月集会向人们展示了马来西亚多元化种族之间的团结、灵性和多元美。作为游客,也应该在斋月期间尊重当地宗教信仰与风俗习惯,白天不要在公共场所进食、抽烟,不向穆斯林提供可当场进食的食品饮料,不质疑穆斯林是否真心斋戒或发表其他挑衅性言论。Ramadan Bazaar is a great way to reflect on unity, spirituality and the beauty of a diverse population. Visitors should respect local religion and customs. Please do not eat, drink, smoke in public. Please do not provide food to Muslim. Please do not question their sincere motivation for Ramadan and post provocative remarks.

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